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pt-mongodb-summary collects information about a MongoDB cluster. It collects information from several sources to provide an overview of the cluster.


pt-mongodb-summary [OPTIONS] [HOST:[PORT]]

By default, if you run pt-mongodb-summary without any parameters, it will try to connect to localhost on port 27017. The program collects information about MongoDB instances by running administration commands and formatting the output.


pt-mongodb-summary requires to be run by user with the clusterAdmin or root built-in roles.


pt-mongodb-summary cannot collect statistics from MongoDB instances that require connection via SSL. Support for SSL will be added in the future.

For better results, host must be a mongos server.


-a, --auth-db

Specifies the database used to establish credentials and privileges with a MongoDB server. By default, the admin database is used.

-f, --output-format

Specifies the report output format. Valid options are: text, json. The default value is text.

-p, --password

Specifies the password to use when connecting to a server with authentication enabled.

Do not add a space between the option and its value: -p<password>.

If you specify the option without any value, pt-mongodb-summary will ask for password interactively.

-u, --user

Specifies the user name for connecting to a server with authentication enabled.

Output example

# Instances ####################################################################################
ID    Host                         Type                                 ReplSet
 0 localhost:17001                PRIMARY                                r1
 1 localhost:17002                SECONDARY                              r1
 2 localhost:17003                SECONDARY                              r1
 0 localhost:18001                PRIMARY                                r2
 1 localhost:18002                SECONDARY                              r2
 2 localhost:18003                SECONDARY                              r2

# This host
# Mongo Executable #############################################################################
       Path to executable | /home/karl/tmp/MongoDB32Labs/3.0/bin/mongos
# Report On 0 ########################################
                     User | karl
                PID Owner | mongos
                     Time | 2016-10-30 00:18:49 -0300 ART
                 Hostname | karl-HP-ENVY
                  Version | 3.0.11
                 Built On | Linux x86_64
                  Started | 2016-10-30 00:18:49 -0300 ART
                  Datadir | /data/db
             Process Type | mongos

# Running Ops ##################################################################################

Type         Min        Max        Avg
Insert           0          0          0/5s
Query            0          0          0/5s
Update           0          0          0/5s
Delete           0          0          0/5s
GetMore          0          0          0/5s
Command          0         22         16/5s

# Security #####################################################################################
Users 0
Roles 0
Auth  disabled
SSL   disabled

# Oplog ########################################################################################
Oplog Size     18660 Mb
Oplog Used     55 Mb
Oplog Length   0.91 hours
Last Election  2016-10-30 00:18:44 -0300 ART

# Cluster wide #################################################################################
            Databases: 3
          Collections: 17
  Sharded Collections: 1
Unsharded Collections: 16
    Sharded Data Size: 68 GB
  Unsharded Data Size: 0 KB
   # Balancer (per day)
              Success: 6
               Failed: 0
               Splits: 0
                Drops: 0


Output is separated into the following sections:

  • Instances

    This section lists all hosts connected to the current MongoDB instance. For this, pt-mongodb-summary runs the listShards command and then the replSetGetStatus on every instance to collect its ID, type, and replica set.

  • This host

    This section provides an overview of the current MongoDB instance and the underlying OS. For this, pt-mongodb-summary groups information collected from hostInfo, getCmdLineOpts, serverStatus, and the OS process (by process ID).

  • Running Ops

    This section provides minimum, maximum, and average operation counters for insert, query, update, delete, getMore, and command operations. For this, pt-mongodb-summary runs the serverStatus command 5 times at regular intervals (every second).

  • Security

    This section provides information about the security settings. For this, pt-mongodb-summary, parses getCmdLineOpts output and queries the admin.system.users and admin.system.roles collections.

  • Oplog

    This section contains details about the MongoDB operations log (oplog). For this, pt-mongodb-summary collects statistics from the oplog on every host in the cluster, and returns those with the smallest TimeDiffHours value.

  • Cluster wide

    This section provides information about the number of sharded and unsharded databases, collections, and their size. For this, pt-mongodb-summary runs the listDatabases command and then runs collStats for every collection in every database.


Carlos Salguero